Release Notes for 07/03/2018
Pika Release Notes 2018.06
Released July 5, 2018
New Functionality
- Sacramento Implementation
- Indexing of econtent records from Sierra so treated as external econtent records rather than print records
- Indexing of econtent records from Sierra so treated as external econtent records rather than print records
- Suppression settings in place
- Finished translation maps
- Format indexing - Prefers Sacramento Material Type, if not available uses the default format logic
- Audience indexing
- Display of custom values (teen, children)
- Grouping correctly with values for Overdrive records
- Overdrive values can display with desired translations
- Added in Last indexing
- Facets values were initially wrong due to improper handling of econtent records
- Consortium views require turning on “Include All Records In Date Added Facets"
- Extract and indexing of On Order records
- Call Number indexing
- Movie Rating indexing - additional patterns checked in the 521a
Consortium theme created
- Initial Sacramento Public Library and Folsom Public Library themes created
- Improvements to Indexing Profile Admin page
- Subsections added to ease navigation
- Additional suppression fields included at item level
- Item types
- Shelving locations
BCode3 suppression added for Sierra
- No longer hard coded - can now be edited in the indexing profile
- Will need to remove existing suppression coding for each site
- Only Marmot and Sacramento have had this done so far
- Will need to remove existing suppression coding for each site
- Marmot will now be suppressing BCode3 “v” for “on the fly” records
ILS Econtent record handling for Anne Arundel
Bug Fixes
- Manual grouping of records
- Specifically there were issues manually grouping works from side loaded collections or grouping records for physical items for libraries using Sierra API extract (LION)
- Added a check to group unchanged files when for merges even when underlying MARC data hasn’t changed
- Edits to loan rules with large amount of entries
- Users can now make edits and additions for single entries without having to use the CSV/INI work around
- Users can now make edits and additions for single entries without having to use the CSV/INI work around
- Format displays for external eBook records stored in Symphony
- Created some new translation maps to ensure correct display
- Special suppression of locations
- LION On Order Records
- not all were displaying, some that shouldn’t have been displaying were
- Implemented non-holdable Item Types for Wake County
- New RBDigital sideload profiles created for individual LION sites
- EBSCO eBooks for AspenCat site Community College of Aurora
- Cover images for LION RBDigital magazines (Zinio)
Additional Work
- Evaluated sample records for Aspencat Koha migration
- Updated Aspencat test site with data from production
- Novelist data for Flatirons
- NY Times Lists updating
- We starting hitting the daily limits on the API. Test sites now use a different API key
- Production sites will update daily now
- Extraction of wait list (hold) counts for Anne Arundel restored
- Update Reading History notice language
- CSS for slogan for Wallingford at LION
Documentation Work
- Created an initial document for tracking site specific indexing customization
- Progressing on Grouping Logic documentation
- Updated Browse Categories documentation
- Added section on adding filters
- NYT lists Functionality documentation debuted
- Other past updates of note
- Pika Search Box
- Added section for archive search box
- Pika Search Box