Meeting Minutes for 12/03/2024

Discovery Committee Meeting
December 3, 2024

Demo of new features, bug fixes, and documentation for the upcoming release (Minute 2:33)  

Discussion Topics

  • Welcoming Clearview Library District as our newest discovery partner (10.15.24) (Minute 00:25)
    • Clearview went live with Pika on October 15th.
    • Clearview is a new integration for the SD team with the Polaris Integrated Library System.
  • Marmot will be reaching out soon to review and prioritize feature requests for Pika (Minute 00:57)
    • Marmot took a year off from feature requests to address some tech debt. 
    • Now that the year is over, the team will jump in with some feature development, reviewing and prioritizing older feature requests.
    • You will see a survey similar to past ones but with more options.
  • Current 5-year plan concluding (Minute 2:00)
    • A new 5-year plan will be prepared throughout 2025 

Discussion of development priorities for the next release (Minute 34:26)

  • Sierra Home Pickup Library development started
    • Pascal should be able to complete this by the end of the year and have it ready for release at the beginning of 2025.
  • Marmot Islandora Update vis a vis Pika
    • The connector technology in Islandora has been completely transformed. As Born Digital works on this, we must rework all the integrations with Pika to replicate the current display.
    • This is a good opportunity to improve Pika for digital archive integration.
    • Please send any suggestions or improvements to Pascal, and he will incorporate them into the integration work.
  • Upgrading to PHP8 
    • The team is working on upgrading the backend from PHP7 to PHP8
    • The team's upgrade is progressing well, providing a clearer timeline by the end of the year for when they can put the upgrade into production.

The next meeting is Tuesday,  March 4, 2025

Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, 2024, December 3
Documentation Type: 
Meeting Minutes
Discovery Committee